Trials, travels, and tribulations.

  • The Desert’s Wrath

    The Desert’s Wrath

    The scorching sun beat down on my bald head as I trudged through the endless dunes of the Sarian Desert. The heat was relentless, sapping my strength and making every step a battle. I had been tracking a rogue band of sand raiders who’d stolen a precious artifact from a nearby village. The villagers had…

  • Thadeus’s Lonely Birthday: A Solitary Celebration of Power

    Thadeus’s Lonely Birthday: A Solitary Celebration of Power

    Ah, birthdays. A time when one expects merriment, laughter, and the company of those they hold dear. Yet, here I find myself, in the dimly lit tavern of Stonehaven, the only guest at my own birthday celebration. The irony isn’t lost on me, but neither is the sting of solitude. The tavernkeeper, a surly old…

  • Harnessing the Shadows: The Rune of Eternal Night

    Harnessing the Shadows: The Rune of Eternal Night

    Ah, a fresh chance to enlighten you lot with the wisdom and tales of a grizzled warlock. Let me tell ye about a matter close to me heart: the ancient art of rune casting and its impact on warlockery. As any seasoned warlock worth his salt knows, runes aren’t just fancy symbols carved into rocks.…

  • The Arcane Art of Crafting Magical Scrolls

    The Arcane Art of Crafting Magical Scrolls

    Ah, the creation of magical scrolls, a delicate art known only to the most skilled practitioners of the arcane. It’s a process that requires patience, precision, and a touch of madness – the perfect recipe for any self-respecting warlock. Grab your ink and parchment, because we’re diving into the gritty details of scroll crafting. First…

  • The Perils of Summoning Demons in a Dwarf’s Lair

    The Perils of Summoning Demons in a Dwarf’s Lair

    Ah, so you’ve decided to dabble in the dark arts, eh? Thinking it’s all shadows and whispers, and nothing can go wrong. Let me tell ya, it’s a bloody mess more often than not. Pull up a stool and listen close, for I’ve got a tale that’ll curl your beard and singe your eyebrows. First…

  • Ancient Luck Magic: Blessing or Curse?

    Ancient Luck Magic: Blessing or Curse?

    Gather ’round, you lot, and listen well, for I’m about to spin a tale of ancient magics that tinker with the fickle hand of fate itself. Luck magic, as old as the stones under yer feet and twice as unpredictable. In my many centuries of life—yes, centuries, don’t give me that look—I’ve delved into tomes…

  • Across Realms: The Existential Debate of Thadeus the Warloc

    Across Realms: The Existential Debate of Thadeus the Warloc

    Jesse: Look Thadeus, we need to settle this once and for all. You’re a character I created for Dungeons & Dragons. You’re not real. Thadeus: Hah! Ye think it’s that simple, do ye? Just because ye scribbled down some notes and gave me a name doesn’t mean I don’t exist somewhere beyond your puny world.…

  • Thadeus’s Toughening Tactics: A Warlock’s Guide to Battle Readiness

    Thadeus’s Toughening Tactics: A Warlock’s Guide to Battle Readiness

    Every dwarf worth his salt knows that to stay tough in the face of lurking danger and insidious magic, one must not only sharpen his mind but also toughen his body. I’ll be gruff about it—softness leads to an early grave. So here I lay out my daily grind, not for the faint-hearted but for…

  • The Chronicles of Thadeus: The Unlikely Fellowship, p3

    The Chronicles of Thadeus: The Unlikely Fellowship, p3

    As the air around us hummed with ancient magics and the chilling whispers of the long departed, our fellowship steeled ourselves against the impending confrontation. Before us, the guardian of Durnholde’s treasure—a behemoth of shadows, wrought from the darkest depths of sorcery—loomed menacingly. Its form shifted and swirled, a tangible darkness that defied the very…

  • The Chronicles of Thadeus: The Unlikely Fellowship, p2

    The Chronicles of Thadeus: The Unlikely Fellowship, p2

    As the first rays of the sun pierced the gloom, casting a golden light upon the ancient stones of Durnholde, our fellowship took the first steps into the shadow of history. The air was thick with the scent of moss and decay, a silent testament to the centuries that had passed since these halls echoed…