Ah, a fresh chance to enlighten you lot with the wisdom and tales of a grizzled warlock. Let me tell ye about a matter close to me heart: the ancient art of rune casting and its impact on warlockery. As any seasoned warlock worth his salt knows, runes aren’t just fancy symbols carved into rocks. They’re powerful sigils, brimming with arcane energy, each one a key to unlocking immense power. I’ve spent centuries mastering this craft, and today, I’ll share a glimpse of this knowledge.
Rune casting is an ancient practice, dating back to the dawn of magic itself. These runes are inscribed with the blood of mythical beasts, etched into stones, staves, or even flesh. Each rune carries a specific meaning and purpose, from summoning storms to binding spirits. The trick lies not just in knowing the runes, but in the precise incantations and rituals that activate them. Mispronounce a syllable or misdraw a line, and you could end up with a face full of explosive backlash.
There’s a common misconception among the greenhorns that rune casting is a shortcut to power. Ha! If only it were that simple. It takes decades, sometimes centuries, to fully grasp the intricacies of rune magic. The runes are fickle, each with its own temperament. Treat them with anything less than the utmost respect, and they’ll turn on you quicker than a cornered dire wolf. I’ve seen many a promising young warlock reduced to ash by their own arrogance.
The power of runes is also deeply tied to the material on which they’re inscribed. Stone is durable and stable, perfect for long-term enchantments. Bone, on the other hand, channels life force and is ideal for necromantic spells. Wood is versatile but susceptible to corruption if not properly warded. And then there’s flesh – the most dangerous and potent medium. Inscribing runes on your own skin binds the magic directly to your life force, granting immense power at the cost of your very essence. It’s a path only the most desperate or mad would tread.
I remember a time when I ventured into the ancient ruins of Valgrimor, seeking the legendary Rune of Eternal Night. The journey was perilous, fraught with traps and guardian spirits. But the reward was worth the risk. That rune, once integrated into my staff, granted me the ability to cloak entire battlefields in impenetrable darkness, turning the tide of many a skirmish. Yet, the cost was steep – a fragment of my soul bound to the rune, forever altering my essence. Power never comes without a price.
Despite its dangers, rune casting remains a cornerstone of warlockery, a testament to the balance between risk and reward. It’s a craft that demands patience, dedication, and an iron will. For those willing to walk this perilous path, the rewards are boundless. But heed my words: tread carefully, respect the runes, and never underestimate the cost of their power.
Now, enough talk. I’ll summon an image that captures the essence of this knowledge. Let it serve as a reminder of the might and peril of rune casting.
Rune of Eternal Night (5e)
Wondrous Item (rune), legendary (requires attunement)
This ancient rune, when inscribed on a surface or item, grants its bearer the ability to cloak areas in impenetrable darkness and summon shadows to their aid. The rune can be inscribed on any weapon, armor, or a small object such as an amulet.
- Eternal Darkness: Once per day, as an action, you can activate the Rune of Eternal Night to cast the spell Darkness without expending a spell slot. The darkness created by this rune is magical and cannot be dispelled by non-magical light sources. It lasts for 10 minutes.
- Shadow Veil: While attuned to the rune, you can see normally in darkness, both magical and nonmagical, up to a range of 120 feet.
- Shadow Servants: Once per long rest, you can summon shadowy figures to aid you in battle. This functions as the spell Summon Shadowspawn (Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything), cast at 5th level.
- Eternal Night’s Cloak: You gain resistance to necrotic damage and advantage on Stealth checks made in dim light or darkness.
Attunement Requirements: To attune to the Rune of Eternal Night, you must spend a short rest inscribing it on the chosen surface or object using a special ritual. The ritual involves reciting ancient incantations and offering a drop of your blood, binding a fragment of your essence to the rune.
Rune of Eternal Night (SWADE)
Enchanted Rune, Legendary
The Rune of Eternal Night, when engraved onto an item or weapon, allows the wielder to control darkness and summon shadows to their aid. This rune requires a special ritual for activation and can be a powerful tool in the hands of a cunning adventurer.
- Eternal Darkness: Once per day, as an action, you can activate the Rune of Eternal Night to create an area of magical darkness. This functions as the Obscure power, with a range of 12 and a radius of Large Burst Template. The darkness lasts for 10 minutes and cannot be penetrated by normal light sources.
- Shadow Sight: While attuned to the rune, you gain the Dark Vision Edge, allowing you to see in complete darkness up to 24 inches (48 yards).
- Summon Shadows: Once per day, you can summon shadowy figures to fight for you. This works like the Summon Ally power with the Fear modifier, summoning shadowy entities that cause fear in their enemies. The entities last for 5 rounds and use the stats of a basic shadow (Spirit d8, Fighting d8, Stealth d10, Parry 5, Toughness 6, Shadow Strike ability: Str+d6 damage).
- Cloak of Shadows: You gain resistance to necrotic damage (half damage from necrotic attacks) and a +2 bonus to Stealth rolls made in dim light or darkness.
Attunement Requirements: To activate the Rune of Eternal Night, you must perform a special ritual involving an incantation and offering a drop of your blood. This ritual takes one hour and binds a portion of your essence to the rune.